Well, I hope to change that.
Today was a pretty stressful day. I guess we can start with that. It was nice to be able to sleep in a LITTLE, but not very much. I was able to set my alarm for 9 am, but thanks to my roommates, their alarms, and my anticipation for what was to come, I woke up at 8, 8:30, and 8:32. Don't you just hate that? When something wakes you up before you're supposed to be up and then you can't get back to sleep because you're so anxious about the goings on of the day? I especially hate it when someone wakes me up one or two minutes RIGHT BEFORE my alarm goes off. Like, really? I need that minute.
Anyway. I had to get some shots for my upcoming trip to Ecuador. My lovely mother was out of state so I had to brave the doctors office alone. I didn't anticipate for it to take so bloody long, but it IS the doctor's office and there are always more people who have worse problems than you do.

Today, I had to get the first of my series of Hepatitis A and B shots. The nurse asked me if I'd like one at a time, or both at the same time to get them over with, and of course I opted for the bandaid-solution. I had posted on my facebook last night to see if anyone would have liked to come with me an hold my hand, but that was a negatory, so I requested the presence of another nurse while they shot me. She was really sweet. White, short hair - the motherly type. She held both of my hands while the other two nurses were at my sides.
My arms still hurt. My right more than my left, which sucks because I have a bad habit of sleeping on my right side, not to mention it's my writing hand. Ugh. Just thinking about that shot makes me shiver.
So along with not being able to anticipate the actual time, I ended up missing the majority of my Spanish test this morning. I emailed my Professor, but forgot that he was out of town this weekend(He left yesterday). So subbing for him was none other than his adorable mamacita. That's mother, for those of you that are unfamiliar with endearing Spanish expressions. Now, this lady is super sweet, and you wouldn't guess it, just because of the way she looks(She's completely white - as is my Professor), but she's completely fluent in Spanish. My Profe spent a very long time growing up in Ecuador, so that is considered their home. So, try to imagine my embarrassment and intimidation as I walked in, SOOOOO freaking late, to my Spanish test. I felt really bad for having to give her a doctor's excuse, but I had to do what I had to do, and there wasn't a soon enough option for shots for Ecuador. I have to get them NOW. So today was the solution, no matter how poor it was.
Thankfully, she was merciful, and after frantically trying to get through most of the test, I was able to give it to her and meet back up with her after the rest of my classes were finished to complete my test.
I think I did really well, this time. Honestly. I've been having such a hard time with this class most specifically. The lessons are not sticking to my brain. It's like a piece of tape that takes up so much lint and crap. And now it's full. And only very few things stick. That's what I'm dealing with. EVERY. SINGLE. TEST. has been an F for me. or a D. My homework is fine, and I do it and check my work, but it's still not sticking. I'm hoping that this time, I'll at least bring it up to a D+. I think hoping for a C would be a little too daring.
Tonight, me and two of my roommates had a small movie night. Andrea and Crystal got Footloose and Soul Surfer from the Redbox thing at Alco. It amazed me how much the people in the movies moved their arms. It made my own arms hurt, just thinking about swinging them to dance or keep my balance. Ugh. I hope these bruises go away soon.
Tomorrow, I will sleep in. And hopefully take some pictures. I have a camera that I've been neglecting. The speaker on it doesn't work, and I'm just not that good at taking pictures. I would really like to see if I can get a donation of a really nice camera to take with me to Ecuador, and then maybe a short crash course on the talents of photography. Rachael has some beautiful pictures on her blog, and I'm slightly envious of her skill.
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