I love days when I love my day.
There's always a small downward spiral, but when you remember how much you're blessed, it's hard to keep you down.
Loans are difficult to deal with. They're hard to accept, emotionally. I HATE being in debt. But I have no other way out of my life right now, unless I quit everything. That is something I won't accept. I went into school knowing that one way or another, I would graduate. I hope to do so this December. I hope I can take this Math class in August, and I hope that my last semester will fly by.

I bought some of that Tresemme Split End repair stuff and to tell you the truth, I think it's working! Not only is it working, but my hair is nice and soft, which I love(who wouldn't?), and it smells great. I like the herbal essences Rose shampoo and conditioner, but until I finally get my preferred hair length back, I will stick to this Tressemme stuff. I just hope my hair still grows quickly. I'm also taking Hair/Nail/and skin vitamins to try and promote growth. It needs to work quicker. I miss my hair.
I was working for the past couple of days and completely forgot about my Ecuador assignments. I hate being so scatterbrained. I need to get out my planner again and start planning things on it as well as on my phone. My phone has been really good as far as getting me places. I'm going to really miss using it in Ecuador. I have so much fun playing with my Space App, calendar, and internet. Not to mention, I have a Kindle App on it. I wonder if I can get a few books and if it'll save on my phone for while I'm there. I hope so. That would be splendid.

I'm really excited to taste their food, too. Cinco De Mayo just reopened, and so my mom, step-dad and I went to eat there because I was craving Mexican. It was delicious. Richard tried to add in the Green hot sauce to his salsa. I was super astonished when he put like a tablespoon of the stuff in the salsa. I warned him, and said "The green is hotter than the red!" and then he proceeded to eat it. It took a couple of seconds, but it was very clear he should have listened to me when his eyes started tearing up and he started coughing. I was mildly worried he might have a heart attack. I hope my Host family doesn't serve me anything too spicy. I'm not sure I can handle anything like Green Hot Sauce...
Profe... Como se dice "Spicy" en Español? haha!